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The Team

Liz's Qualifications


Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP

Master Practitioner of Time-line Therapy & Hypnosis

SQ21 Coach

Accredited in Insights DiscoveryDeeper Discovery, Team Effectiveness and Transformational Leadership

Gamma Mindset practitioner

Learning & Performance Institute Trainer and Assessor

Liz Oliver (Founder)

Over the last 25 years, I have learned how to rethink life several times over and have developed a passion to help others do the same. I have worked in three completely different business sectors, had on-and-off periods of self-employment, an extended period of debilitating illness and multiple trips around the world in pursuit of learning.


I have been immersed in learning and development since 1998, initially creating and facilitating workshops on NLP, motivation, values, emotional intelligence and stress management. 

From 2004, as an employee with Insights Learning & Development, I designed and delivered programmes across the range of Insights’ portfolio. I ran workshops in many countries, supporting Insights’ global network and was responsible for designing and delivering ongoing professional development for a community of over 2,000 accredited practitioners.


Since 2006, I have been exploring how to integrate fundamental spiritual principles into my work as I believe that ALL aspects of ourselves - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - are integral parts of our innate humanity and need to be considered in the process of making sustainable change. 

Rachel Harrison (Associate)​


My inquiry began earnestly 28 years ago when, due to life changes, I found myself at a crossroads with everything familiar falling away. I became acutely aware the path you take is the one you lay for yourself as you navigate between inner and outer conditions. 


Over the years this approach has become a crystal clear necessity and capability for living with uncertainty creating an exciting, challenging and fulfilling journey.


I originally trained as a counsellor, body and energy worker until I came across coaching in the late 90’s, feeling drawn to not only work with individuals but with groups. Following initial life and corporate coaching training, I then discovered archetypal depth coaching in 2001 and consequently became a partner in Beyond TT, delivering coaching and developmental programmes in organisations from SME’s to Blue-chip companies. Interventions over this time focused on internal cohesion, teams and organisational culture.


In the last few years I re-discovered my love of voice and the fantastically transformational relational practice of Circling. Now stepping into a new cycle I feel a coming home in my work and excitement as these integrate and take me on a new journey and in the process I bring the best of what I love to clients.


I’m very much a pragmatist and in exploring deep and wide I believe this brings change that has traction and sticks. As well as leading the learning and development company Beyond Team Transformation, I am a yoga practitioner and teacher. I live in the Midlands, England.

Rachel's Qualifications


Find your Flavour Leadership Circling

VoicePrint Practitioner

Psychosynthesis Leadership Coach

Masters Degree in Transpersonal Psychology - Personal Transformation

Insights Discovery and Deeper Discovery Practitioner

Cultural Transformational Tools consultant

Archetypal Depth Coaching

Yoga and mindfulness teacher

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Carole Lesley (Associate)

My learning journey began in earnest 26 years ago when I took a job as a business growth consultant following the birth of my daughter. With a background in business strategy and marketing, I felt well equipped to help business leaders establish and grow their businesses.


The crunch came when I observed how little investment was made in the personal transformation of people in business. I wanted to help leaders create fully functioning teams by providing platform for growth.


This desire became my reality as I started to nurture and grow individuals and teams. My clients started to call me their leadership coach. A title I was honoured to be given and that I had been sought out to help.


I stumbled across the Insights behavioural model and learned how to help people accept their strengths and weaknesses and embrace their diversities. It became the main goal in my career, to help people realize the value their uniqueness brought to the team. This vocation coupled with my business background has allowed me to help SME’s and multi-national businesses grow their people and their business.


I am a specialist in business and people transformation. My pragmatic and informal nature has allowed me to quickly get buy in from my clients. I am proud to have been able to help so many people at a personal and professional level.


I also deliver personal growth programmes through yoga and mindfulness. I live in Fife, Scotland

Carole's Qualifications


MBA specialsing in strategy and international business

Postgrad in leadership and management

Insights Discovery and Deeper Discovery Practitioner

NLP Practitioner

Yoga and mindfulness teacher


PHONE: 07596 090745

LOCATION: Newburgh, Fife, Scotland

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